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How to Clean retainers and Mouthguards with Tablets


People seem to think that in order to look after the teeth, all they need to do is brush twice a day, floss whenever they remember, and maybe even go wild and use mouthwash. Now, don’t get us wrong, all those things are indeed great for keeping the teeth clean and healthy, but good oral hygiene is about so much more than that.

Keeping the teeth and mouth fit and healthy requires regular trips to the dentist, as well as help from the occasional oral device here and there. Retainers and mouthguards for example, provide a wide range of oral health benefits for people, but looking after them is easier said than done.

Mouthguards and retainers require a lot of care and maintenance, which is why we’re looking at how to clean retainers and mouthguards with tablets. We’ll also be looking at the key differences between the two.

Mouthguards vs. Retainers

Though the two do look similar, and serve similar purposes, before we can go any further we need to look at the key differences between retainers and mouthguards.

Retainers are designed to help ensure that the teeth remain in position and nice and straight following an orthodontic procedure. You see, once the teeth have been adjusted, it will take a while for the bone to fuse around them and for the gums to hold them in place, as they will want to go back to their old position. A retainer is placed into the mouth and over the teeth to stop them moving and to keep them in place.

Mouthguards may look like retainers, but they are designed very differently. Mouthguards fit over the teeth and protect them from damage. You can have sports mouthguards which protect the teeth during sports, and nightguards, which are worn at night and are designed to protect the teeth from bruxism and to stop them grinding.

Can you clean mouthguards with tablets?

Mouthguards, retainers, nightguards, and any other devices that fit into the mouth must be cleaned regularly.

Bacteria thrives in dark, warm, moist locations which is why the mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria. As a result of this, anything that goes into your mouth is likely to be coated in bacteria. Mouthguards and retainers fit into the mouth regularly and can be coated in bacteria from the saliva, as well as food particles. If left, these bacteria can spread and multiply and can make you ill and put you at risk of infection. That’s why cleaning them is so important.

Mouthguards can in fact be cleaned with denture tablets, and the results are very impressive.

How to clean retainers and mouthguards with tablets

So, we now know that retainers and mouthguards can be cleaned with tablets, but how is this achieved?

Simply take a clean glass and fill it up with warm water. Next, drop a denture cleaning tablet inside and give it a gentle stir until it has fully dissolved. Now, simply drop the retainer or mouthguard into the glass so that it is fully submerged and leave it for 5 minutes.

As the tablets work their magic the water should change colour slightly. After 5 minutes, remove the mouthguard or retainer and give a good rinse under warm running water. Dry thoroughly before using or storing and you’re all set.

What is the best way to clean a mouth retainer?

After each use, make sure you give your mouth retainer a good rinse to rinse away excess saliva or food particles. This won’t sterilise it, but it will help minimise bacteria build ups.

Once or twice a month, use a denture cleaning tablet like we just looked at and this will be enough to ensure that the retainer is clean and sterile.

Pick up your mouthguard or retainer from Dental Armour today!

If you require a retainer, nightguard, mouthguard, or any similar device, get in touch with Dental Armour Perth today, and they’ll take care of everything for you.

Dental Armour offers the best-quality retainers and mouthguards for the best possible prices, and best of all is the fact that they’re custom made and are available in as little as 48 hours.