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How to Clean a Mouthguard Properly - And How to Care For Your Mouthguard


Sports mouthguards are beneficial for a whole host of different reasons. Anybody who plays sport or takes part in physically demanding activities can benefit from a mouthguard.

Mouthguards are designed to help prevent orofacial injuries. They absorb the force of blows to the face and mouth, they prevent teeth from being damaged or knocked out, they prevent damage to the gums, mouth, and tongue, and much more on top.

Anybody who owns a sports mouthguard, however, should know that keeping it clean is extremely important, which is why we’re looking at how to clean a sports mouthguard today. Read on to find out how to clean a mouthguard.

How to clean your mouthguard


Keeping a mouthguard clean and sterile is very important. The mouth is home to countless strains of bacteria, which may find themselves transferred onto your mouthguard. Leaving the bacteria on your mouthguard could lead to illness and/or infection. This is why hygiene is so important.

Here are some tips on how to clean a sports mouthguard.

Rinse after wearing

Rinsing a mouthguard alone won’t be enough to clean it, sterilise it, and kill harmful bacteria. With that said, if you rinse it each time you’ve finished wearing it you can rinse away a large portion of germs and bacteria which could cause illness if left to multiply.

Rinse it under warm running water to remove any food or debris which could cause bacteria accumulations and plaque.

Brush with antibacterial soap

Another very effective way of keeping a sports mouthguard clean and removing bacteria is to use an antibacterial soap.

After rinsing under warm water, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush the mouthguard with an antibacterial soap, making sure to get into all of the grooves and hard-to-reach areas.

Leave the soap for a minute or so and then rinse away. Do not use toothpaste as this will damage the mouthguard.

Give your mouthguard a deep clean at least once per week

As mentioned, rinsing the mouthguard alone won’t be enough to kill germs and bacteria and leave it clean and sterile. This is why you need to give it a deep clean at least once per week.

Use an over-the-counter denture cleaner as this is designed to clean and sterilise dentures, mouthguards, and devices which sit in the mouth and are exposed to bacteria in the mouth.

Alternatively, use a hydrogen peroxide and vinegar solution as this will have the same effect. Soak your mouthguard in distilled white vinegar for at least 30 minutes. Next, rinse off with water and soak in a mild hydrogen peroxide solution for 30 minutes. Again, rinse off, dry thoroughly, and store in a clean and dry location.

How to care for a sports mouthguard


As well as cleaning a sports mouthguard, you also need to ensure that you care for it as well when not in use.

Here are some tips on how to clean and care for a sports mouthguard.

Store in a case when not needed

First off, when you’re not using a mouthguard, make sure you store it safely and securely in a case.

Inside a clean and dry case, the mouthguard won’t be exposed to germs or bacteria, or direct sunlight so it will remain strong, sturdy, durable, and sterile.

Use the right kind of case

When storing a sports mouthguard, make sure you use the correct type of case for storing it.

Sports mouthguard cases are designed to keep the mouthguard clean and sterile, so make sure you don’t use an unsuitable box instead.

Mouthguard cases are designed to be cleaned easily, so be sure to clean your case regularly, and let it dry completely before you store your mouthguard in there.

Clean after every use

As mentioned, in terms of how to clean a mouthguard, make sure you clean it after every use, even if it is just rinsing under hot water for a few seconds before you get a chance to perform a deep clean later on in the week.

Change your mouthguard every season

Regardless of which sport you play, to ensure your mouthguard functions at its best and remains clean and sterile, make sure you change it for a new one every season.

General wear and tear will take its toll, and a faulty mouthguard is the last thing that you want as it will offer subpar protection.

Frequently asked mouthguard cleaning questions

What should I soak my mouthguard in?

When cleaning a mouthguard at home, ideally, you’ll want to soak it in distilled vinegar and then a hydrogen peroxide solution for no longer than 30 minutes each.

Why do mouthguards turn yellow?

It may sound gross, but discoloration of a mouthguard is usually a sign of poor cleaning procedures.

Saliva that is left to sit on the mouthguard for a prolonged period of time can create a yellow effect and make it look yellow. If your mouthguard is turning yellow, it could be a sign of improper cleaning.

What is the white stuff on my mouthguard?

Again, white spots appearing on your mouthguard are an indication of improper cleaning. White patches on mouthguards are caused by calcium deposits from your saliva.

Can you remove plaque from a mouthguard?


Each time you remove your mouthguard you should rinse it with warm water to remove debris and to loosen any plaque which may be stuck to it.

Scrubbing with an antibacterial soap and soft toothbrush will also help to remove plaque and food debris.

Can I soak my night guard in Listerine?


Mouthguards/night guards should not be soaked in Listerine, or any other mouthwash containing alcohol, as this can damage it.

Pick up your mouthguard today!

If you’re on the hunt for a new sports mouthguard, look no further than Dental Armour!

Dental Armour offers a wide range of mouthguards, nightguards, and much more besides, each one offering its own unique set of benefits and advantages.

So, if you need a new mouthguard, get in touch with Dental Armour and we’ll have you sorted in no time at all.