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How Do Mouthguards Protect the Teeth?

We all know how important it is to look after our teeth, and by that, we don’t mean just brushing them once a day if you remember to do so.

The teeth are an integral part of your body and in fact, they’re the very first stage of the digestive process where you digest food and metabolise it for energy. The digestive process begins in the mouth where you chew and break up your food so that it can be more easily digested in the stomach.

Teeth are the toughest substances found in the body and as well as being integral for chewing, we also need them for speech. For vanity reasons, having a full set of healthy looking teeth also works wonders for a person’s self-esteem, and rightly so.

Despite the teeth being strong, they can be damaged in a variety of different ways, which is why mouthguards are so important. But how do mouthguards protect the teeth? Let’s take a closer look.

Different types of mouthguards

A mouthguard is basically a dental device which is designed to be worn in the mouth, specifically over the teeth, helping to protect the teeth, gums, tongue, and mouth.

Mouthguards not only protect the teeth against damage, especially when used during physical activities, they can also protect the rest of the mouth from being damaged by the teeth (such as biting your tongue or cheek). 

Mouthguards come in a variety of different designs, though primarily there are three types:


Custom made

If you are thinking of investing in a mouthguard, it is strongly recommended that you go with a custom-made mouthguard.

Mouthguards that have been custom made are made from strong and durable materials, they’re designed to withstand punishment, and they’re very comfortable because they are made by professional dentists who will take impressions of your teeth, use them to make moulds to then make mouthguards that will fit perfectly into your mouth and over your teeth.

Boil and bite

Boil and bite mouthguards are not considered as effective as custom made mouthguards, but they are still comfortable and protective, especially if you use them right.

A boil and bite mouthguard is designed to be heated in water until it becomes slightly soft. The idea is that you then place the warm mouthguard into your mouth and over your teeth, where it will mould itself around them, and be anchored in place as the material hardens when it cools.

Over the counter

Over the counter mouthguards, also known as stock mouthguards, are the cheapest and most basic of the three types of mouthguards.

These are designed to basically be purchased and worn straight away. While they can be somewhat useful, as far as how mouthguards protect the teeth, because these mouthguards are not custom-made for your teeth, the fit will almost certainly not be perfect and there is the risk that the mouthguard could come loose, be too tight, or simply not comfortable.

How do mouthguards protect the teeth?

If you wear a mouthguard, the idea is to not only protect the teeth, but also to protect the rest of your mouth from damage caused by the teeth.

Mouthguards reduce the risk of injury to the teeth and mouth by covering your upper teeth and providing a layer of cushioning and protection to the face. This reduces the risk of teeth being knocked out, chipped, broken, or cracked, and it reduces the risk of the wearer biting their tongue, their cheeks, or anywhere else in the mouth.

Do mouthguards protect the lower teeth?

While mouthguards are designed to be worn over the upper teeth, people wonder whether they add any protection to the lower teeth.

Mouthguards cannot be worn on the bottom teeth, but they do help protect the bottom teeth, especially from damage caused by the top teeth.

Do mouthguards protect teeth from grinding?

Yes. Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, can damage the teeth as excessive grinding can wear them down and cause damage to them.

Mouthguards, especially in the form of nightguards, are designed to be worn to hold the teeth in place and add a layer of cushioning and protection to stop the teeth grinding on each other. When the wearer tries to grind their teeth, the mouthguard of course gets in the way, thereby preventing any grinding.

Do mouthguards prevent tooth loss?


While we can lose teeth for numerous reasons, those involved in physically demanding sports or activities are especially at risk.

Those in combat sports for example, will find that a mouthguard could prevent teeth from being knocked out due to punches, kicks, strikes, or blows to the jaw.

They’re also useful during other sports. If for example, a person not wearing a mouthguard is hit in the face with a ball travelling at fast speed, this could knock a tooth out quite easily. By wearing a mouthguard, the mouthguard would provide cushioning against the ball, thereby helping to prevent teeth from being knocked out.

Do mouthguards protect against concussions?

Concussions are very serious, particularly in sports as there is a greater risk of head trauma here.

A concussion is very serious and potentially life-threatening, which means that they should be taken very seriously. Mouthguards are not designed to protect against concussions, nor do they claim to protect against them. They can, however, decrease a tough impact to the jaw by adding a layer of cushioning, preventing some of this force from radiating to the skull.

By lessening damage caused by blows to the force, the risk of a concussion while wearing a mouthguard is reduced slightly. It should be noted, though, that the main role of a mouthguard is to help prevent trauma to the teeth and to the face in general.

Pick up your mouthguard today

If you’re looking for a custom mouthguard to help protect your teeth, make sure to get in touch with the friendly team at Dental Armour.At Dental Armour we offer custom-made mouthguards made by professional dentists and dental technicians to the highest of specs, tailored exclusively for you. Our mouthguards are strong, durable, comfortable, and they look great too.

So, don’t risk damaging or losing your teeth any longer, reach out to Dental Armour and we’ll have you fitted with the perfect mouthguard in no time at all.