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Does Wearing a Mouthguard Stop Snoring?

There are few things that can’t be resolved with a good night’s sleep, and while getting a good night’s sleep is integral for your health and for ensuring you awaken refreshed and revitalised the next day, if you snore a lot this can make life uncomfortable.

If you are a loud snorer, not only could this disrupt your sleep, if you sleep with or around other people, it can also disrupt the sleeping patterns of other people in your household due to the snoring keeping them awake. Snoring can also cause a sore throat, damage to your throat, and in a much more serious instance, it could be a result of sleep Apnea.

Excessive snoring is not only disruptive, it can also be dangerous too. The good news is that there are certain things you can do to minimise and stop snoring, including wearing a nightguard.

So how does wearing a mouthguard stop snoring? Well, that’s what we’re about to find out.

What causes snoring?

Before we can address the question of whether wearing a mouthguard stops snoring, first we need to look at snoring in more detail and what causes it.

Snoring is basically the sound that air makes in your throat when it rushes past relaxed tissues located in your throat, causing them to vibrate when you breathe, resulting in the sound that we all know as snoring.

Some people snore quietly and gently, whereas other people snore incredibly loudly and aggressively. While it can be disruptive, as mentioned in the intro, snoring may also be indicative of a more serious health condition, including sleep apnea.

Snoring can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Gender (men are more likely to snore than women)
  • Sleeping position
  • Alcohol consumption (alcohol relaxes the throat muscles)
  • Having a naturally narrow airway
  • Nasal and/or breathing problems
  • Being overweight (the heavier and larger you are the more likely you are to have obstructed airways)

How do mouthguards prevent snoring?

First off, before going any further, as we’re looking at does wearing a mouthguard stop snoring, the answer is yes. Now, before you get carried away and start sleeping with the same mouthguard you use for footy training, it’s night guards that are effective for tackling snoring.

Wearing a nightguard when you sleep will not only protect your teeth against bruxism, it can also help prevent and reduce snoring.

Wearing a nightguard in bed when you sleep can help treat snoring by pulling the upper jaw and the tongue forwards, thereby opening up the airways more and allowing more air to flow freely as you breathe.

What are the dangers of cheap mouthguards?

If you are thinking of using a nightguard to help treat your snoring, make sure you visit your dentist and have them create a custom night guard tailored specifically for you, and you only.

Cheap mouthguards are not suitable for treating snoring, and they can also potentially be dangerous. Here’s a list of some of the main dangers associated with using cheap mouthguards:

  • Misaligned jaw
  • Shifting of the teeth
  • Sore gums
  • Pain in the teeth/jaw/gums/mouth in general
  • Uncomfortable fit
  • Disrupted sleep

Why choose Dental Armour custom fit night guards?

As mentioned, if you do wish to use a nightguard to address your snoring, make sure you choose a nightguard that has been custom made for you.

Dental Armour’s custom-made night guards offer tri-layer lamination for maximum protection and comfort. Dental Armour’s custom mouthguards are made directly from moulds taken off your teeth by their team of skilled dentists and dental technicians.

Recommended by the ADA, Dental Armour’s custom night guards are comfortable and protective, helping to treat and prevent bruxism, and ease intense snoring in the process.